This document is the fourth annual review of progress towards gender mainstreaming and towards a more representative gender balance in the NATO PA. As mandated by the Standing Committee, it will be made public on the NATO PA’s website.
2020 marked the 20th anniversary of the adoption of UNSCR 1325 and provided several important opportunities to promote the Women, Peace and Security Agenda as this report shows, despite the massive disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic. This was particularly important after the 2019 programme of work showed a limited emphasis on gender-relevant issues. Going forward, it will be important to ensure that the appropriate focus is kept up as a matter of course. The initial planning for 2021 bodes well, however.
The picture regarding gender balance within the Assembly has improved compared to the mixed picture in 2019. This report could mark four new high points in the composition of the Bureau (a majority of women for the first time), the overall share of women Assembly members (18.8%), the number of delegations led by women (7) and the share of women participants at annual sessions (26%). Moreover, of the member countries which have held elections since the last report, four have a larger number of women in their delegations than prior to elections. The seven planned parliamentary elections within NATO member states in 2021 will hopefully provide new opportunities to improve the gender balance across national delegations.
The report thus shows that the Assembly has made progress on the twin goals of enhanced gender mainstreaming and improved gender balance. However, going forward, this progress should be translated into lasting practices within the Assembly. These annual reports will hopefully help raise further awareness.